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My apologies to any other drongos out there |
A problem I had on the march - and I am facing a similar problem writing this blog entry - is that I didn't make a sign, because any sign that listed all of the things that were wrong with the Abbott government, would either have to use an unreadably small font or been too large to carry.
I'll try to briefly summarise how much the current government has achieved in just 6 months. To simplify things, I'll break it down into different categories of bastardry.
War on Science
- No science minister. Seriously? This is the 21st century, and perhaps I should emphasise that this is the 21st century AD.
- Mass sackings at the CSIRO.
- Deliberate trashing of the NBN.
- Multiple statements to the effect that climate change isn't happening. On par with announcing the earth is flat.
War on the Environment
- No minister for Climate Change, but has a Minister for Sport.
- Abolishing the Climate Commission [this also counts as part of the War on Science].
- Seeking to repeal the carbon price. Abbott seems to have some crazed obsession with this scheme - a relatively simple and logical measure which has been adopted by many other countries without drama - to extent of blaming every possible economic problem on it. Multiple times he had blamed the shutdown of one business or other on the dreaded Carbon Tax, only to be contradicted by the actual company involved.
- Sending a bunch of yahoos to the Warsaw Climate Change Conference to disrupt it and block progress in general.
- Appointing Dick Warburton, a climate "sceptic" to head a review into the renewable energy target.
- De-funding the Environmental Defenders Office.
- Scrapping the Home Energy Saver Scheme.
- Cutting all aid programs for environmental purposes.
- Supporting the insane shark "cull" in WA. [This one is so stupid it also counts as part of the War on Science.]
- Bullying the Great Barrier Reef authority to reverse their stand on the Abbott Point coal terminal. Just what we need; export more coal even faster, and dump 3 M tonnes of sediment on the Great Barrier Reef in order to do so.
- Green-lighting the Galilee Basin mine. An extraordinarily large coal mine in the middle of a nature reserve.
- Seeking to de-list world heritage forests in Tasmania.
- Allowing grazing in alpine national parks. This had been banned for decades for good reason.
- Removing the Standing Council on Environment and Water.
- Scrapping the Critically Endangered listing of the Murray Darling basin to allow irrigators free reign. A serious ongoing environmental problem about to get worse.
War on the Refugees
I wouldn't have thought it would have been possible to actually make the situation here any worse than it already was (putting children in concentration camps is not the action of a civilised country), however the Abbott government has somehow managed it.
- Navy personnel "allegedly" torturing people by forcing their hands onto the exhaust pipe of a boat, and then turning the boat around to Indonesia without giving medical treatment.
- Sticking people indefinitely in a hell-hole in PNG where they get bashed and even murdered.
- Separating new-born babies from their mothers.
- Plus masses of other bastardry that makes me sick to even think about.
War on the Economy
For some reason, the coalition have a reputation as good economic mangers (not, in my opinion, borne out by the facts), so you'd think they'd at least do a little better in this area, but apparently not.
- Start off by ham-stringing the economy by crippling the NBN.
- Create uncertainty about what will happen with the carbon price.
- Repeal the (already watered down) resources rental tax so that excess profits from mining go overseas rather than benefiting the economy.
- Piss off our trading partners, especially Indonesia, but also India and China.
- Then say goodbye to Holden
- and goodbye to Toyota
- and goodbye to SPC
- Hello highest unemployment in 10 years. Quite an achievement considering that Labor did better during the entire Global Financial Crisis.
- Then there's the sinister TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) deal. I'm not sure what to say about this one since it's a completely secret process. In so far as any information is available it appears to be the sort of agreement that a corrupt third-world dictator would sign to sell out their country for a wad of money under the table, before making a run for it. It's likely to be devastating for the economy, unless by "economy", you mean "foreign-owned multinationals".
- And that's not even counting the economic effects of trashing the environment (e.g. tourism in Tasmania accounts for 5x as many jobs as forestry, so let's assist the latter at the expense of the former).
War on Women
- Abbott taking on the job of Minister for Women. I mean, seriously, that's just insulting. If it hadn't actually happened, you'd think it was a heavy-handed satire. Even his supporters call him a Man's Man. It is so obvious that he doesn't know or care anything about women, that this has to be a calculated attack.
- His explanation for appointing only one woman in his cabinet was that the appointments were made "on merit". Given that he gave cabinet posts to the likes Peter Dutton - someone who has roughly the intelligence (and general usefulness) of a termite-riddled fence post - this would also have to be a calculated insult.
War on the Indigenous
Howard's "intervention" (which Labor, to their shame, did nothing to wind back) was already such a blow to Aboriginal Australians that it would be difficult to make things worse. Pretty much every bad thing that could have been done, already had been done. Nevertheless, Abbott managed to find a way.
- Savagely cutting the budget of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, such that they had to sack a third of their staff.
- Cutting Indigenous legal services by $13.4 million, while at the same time providing $2.2 million in legal aid for farmers and miners to fight native title claims.
Miscellaneous Bastardry
- Overriding ACT law on gay marriages - and not just doing this to appease some dinosaur like Fielding (which would be evil but at least understandable in political terms), but because he is actually against the idea himself. Moreover, Abbott condones the incredibly reactionary statements of Cory Bernardi, whose views on "non-traditional" families are remarkably close to those of Vladimir Putin (except that most likely Putin is doing it for cynical political motives, whereas Bernadi actually believes what he is saying).
- Abolishing AusAID. Huge cut backs in international aid generally.
- Cutting compensation for bushfire victims. Just after a big bushfire.
- Attempting to block funding to organisations who refuse corporate sponsorship on ethical grounds. Even from tobacco companies.
- An absolute extravaganza of royal commissions into even the most trivial actions of the previous government.
- An orgy of union-bashing and attempts to reduce working conditions, even going as far as introducing legislation to allow people to work for half of the minimum wage, and be exempt from health and safety laws.
- Multiple acts of bastardry against the unemployed, students, the disabled, and the less well off in general. This even goes so far as cutting the welfare payments to the orphans of soldiers.
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Anonymous are taking up the fight, but, like in V for Vendetta, we will all need to help. |
However, the real problem we have here is not Tony Abbott.
Abbott is not a hereditary monarch, nor did he seize power by a coup d'etat. He was democratically elected by the voters of this country.
Democracy is often treated like a gift bestowed upon a people, like having a good climate or fertile soil, but with the additional advantage that it somehow makes you morally superior as well. In fact, democracy is a responsibility, or even a burden, imposed on a people. You get the right to choose, but it doesn't work unless you put in the effort to choose well.
It seems that people put more effort into decorating their living rooms, or even preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse, than choosing their government. People do sudoku or cryptic crosswords for fun, but aren't willing to fill in the senate ballot paper below the line. We are now reaping the results. And don't give me that "whoever you vote for, a bastard gets in" bullshit. Some politicians are demonstrably less bad than others; try voting for them for a change and see what happens.
Maybe I should expand on this last point. The process whereby politicians are elected is exactly like the process of natural selection. The environment dictates the nature of the animals within it. Those individuals who most suit the environment prosper, whereas those who are unsuited die out.
But the important point here is that natural selection works slowly. A giraffe does not spring fully-formed into the world, instead an environment which favours long-necked grazing animals gradually pushes evolution in that direction.
And so it is with politics. You can't expect a politician who is perfect in every way to stand up for election; instead you have a number of people to choose from, all of whom have various flaws. What you need to do is rank the available candidates in order of desirability and cast your vote accordingly (fortunately we have a preferential voting system which allows us to do this). If you create an environment that favours the better politician, you will get better and better politicians each time. Even if every candidate is unacceptably bad, you can still choose the least bad one. Casting a vote in this situation is not futile; in fact it is critically important. If you continuously maintain the selective pressure in the right direction you will eventually get your giraffe. If you stop applying pressure, it will be even worse next time.
If you punish a better candidate out of spite for not being perfect, you are applying selective pressure in favour of a worse candidate.
If you let your vote be dictated by biased mainstream media, you are applying selective pressure in favour of Rupert Murdoch's interests - and almost certainly against your own.
So everyone; next time you vote; take this important task seriously, invest a little bit of time and energy and don't be a fucking idiot.
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